Board of Selectmen Meeting

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, October 2, 2018



6:00 PM


TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2018        





Public Hearing: 2018 General Assistance Ordinance/

Maximum Levels of Assistance


Cable Television Ordinance




The Public Hearing for the 2018 General Assistance Ordinance/Maximum Levels of Assistance and Cable Television Ordinance was called to order by Vice Chairman, Chris Parker at 6:01 pm.


Town Manager, Michele Bukoveckas, explained that the approval of the General Assistance Ordinance/Maximum Levels of Assistance is a task that is required to be done on an annual basis.  Since there is not a quorum to accept the State mandated new levels, the town’s General Assistance Administrator will continue to work under the ordinance that was approved last year until the new ordinance is approved at the next meeting.  


Jim Libby stated that our General Assistance Administrator, Edie Harnden, is doing a great job and keeping the cost of assistance at a minimum for this town.


There were no questions from the audience during this portion of the public hearing.


In regards to the portion of this Public Hearing for the Cable Television Ordinance, Michele Bukoveckas, referred to Tony Vigue, who has been a consultant on behalf of the town’s committee throughout the contract renewal process.  Tony proceeded to explain how this ordinance affects the franchise agreement and answered questions from the audience.  


The public hearing was closed at 6:17 pm. and the regular meeting was called to order.




Present: Selectmen; Phil Lowe and Chris Parker, Town Manager, Michele Bukoveckas, Town Clerk and Recorder, Maureen Scanlon


Absent: Selectmen; Edythe Harnden and Tim Mayberry


Guests present: Jim Libby, Karen Moore, Tony Vigue, Claudia Lowe, Tina Vanasse, Joseph McMahon, Public Works Director, Wayne Allen, Public Works Assistant Director, Tim Anderson, Gerry Holt, Betsy Cook, Doug Chambers, Ryan & Nick Anderson, Bill Gill, Ted Davis, Tim Ecomides.


RECORDER’S NOTE: It was determined that there was not a quorum present for this meeting therefore it was held in the form of a workshop with no actions being taken during the course of the meeting.




        There were none.




Approval of the September 4, 2018 Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

Approval of the September 4, 2018 Selectmen’s meeting minutes was tabled until the next meeting.




Doug Chambers owns property across from the land that will be discussed under “New Business” agenda item A.  He stated that he is interested in how they propose to open this land for public use.  Chris Parker stated that this will be discussed during that portion of the meeting.


Claudia Lowe asked to have the issue of Public Easement roads addressed at the next meeting.  After a lengthy discussion on this matter, with participation from the audience members, it was determined that this will be reviewed at a future date.     




        There were no old business agenda items.




Tiger Hill Land Discussion

Betsy Cook from the Maine Trust for Public Land explained the plan for acquiring the Tiger Hill property.  No funds are being requested from the Town of Sebago for this endeavor, but it will result in a community forest for all to enjoy.  Loon Echo Land Trust will own the land; it is not a municipal project.  It would be taxed as “Open Space” which is a slightly higher rate than the current “Tree Growth” rate.  She requested a letter from the Board of Selectmen in support of this project.  There was some discussion on the scope of this project with several residents adding their thoughts on this matter.  


The request for a letter of support will be addressed at the next meeting.   


B.      Approve the 2018 General Assistance Ordinance and Maximum Levels of Assistance


        Approval tabled until the next meeting.


Approve the Cable Television Ordinance

Approval tabled until the next meeting.


C.I.P Discussion Items

Michele Bukoveckas explained the C.I.P. request for funding repairs to the Dyke Mountain road bridge.  This item will be addressed at the next meeting.    


Discussion to Establish Special Revenue Funds for Soccer and Basketball Donations

Michele Bukoveckas explained that these funds would be comprised of additional fund raising efforts that would roll over from year to year to offset the budget.


A vote on this matter was tabled until the next meeting.




A       Town Manager


There will be a NIMS training at the Bridgton Town Hall next Tuesday, October 9th from 3-4:30 pm.  You are all invited to attend.  If you cannot attend this session, I will try to schedule another one.

Thursday morning (October 4th) at 10 am we are having a ribbon cutting ceremony where we will “flip” the switch from the array to the grid.  Please attend if possible.  

A charging station for electric cars has been installed at the Town Office building as part of this project.


The second meeting – October 16th will be a Public Safety Building Workshop.  We will then commence the winter schedule of one meeting a month (unless an emergency comes up) due to the beginning of the CIP and Budget meeting cycle.

Checked with MMA and other town managers regarding the distribution of meeting minutes.  It was advised not to post on the web until accepted, but if requested, the minutes can be distributed prior to acceptance but should be marked as DRAFT.

Draft copies of the town property encroachments are in your packets for review.  Please let me know if they are acceptable or if they need changes.  Once I have your approval, they will be sent out.

Phil Lowe reported on an additional fence encroachment that was not previously identified.  This will be further researched and followed up on.


I was informed that there was a business man that had a radio on our tower on Douglas Mountain.  In exchange for the space, he purchased the generator for the repeater.  He has recently taken down his radio and is donating the generator to the town.  In the past he maintained the generator, it is now our responsibility, so we will need to budget accordingly.  Also, his vacancy is now available for the school buses or public works to use.

A vote will be held at the next meeting to accept this gift and approve the continued maintenance of it.


I have been approached about a joint venture by the Town of Denmark to install a dry hydrant on Hancock Pond Rd since we both have residents on that road.  I have asked the Fire Chief for his input as well.  Is this something you would like to pursue?

This item was tabled for discussion by a quorum of the Board of Selectmen.


In addition, the Town of Denmark stated that the Wabunaki boat ramp is in poor condition.  The president of the Shore Rd. Association mentioned that 2 or 3 of the residents that want to use the boat ramp are Sebago residents, and so Denmark wants to know if we (Sebago) would be willing to share some of the costs. This issue was originally brought up in July of 2017 due to dredging that had to be done.  Do you wish me to pursue this?

This item was tabled for discussion by a quorum of the Board of Selectmen.


The AV equipment has arrived.  I may have found someone to run it during our meetings; still waiting for confirmation.  LRTV Manager, Chris Richard recommends that we can set up the equipment and start/stop the camera ourselves.  He recommends that due to the sensitivity of the equipment that it should not leave the building and should be stored under lock and key when not in use. 

The FEMA paperwork has passed on to the obligated stage.  The amount approved for reimbursement is $17,777.25.  75% will be paid by FEMA; the other 25% will be paid by MEMA.


                B.      Selectmen


Phil Lowe had nothing to report.


Chris Parker reported that two weeks ago he assisted the Public Works crew in taking down a tree.  This saved the town quite a bit of money by not having to hire a contractor to provide this service.      


C.      Committees


                        Nothing reported.


VIII.   Adjournment


This workshop meeting was closed at 7:20 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Maureen F. Scanlon

Town Clerk